(function () { 'use strict'; // Module that provides functionality for Items var mod = angular.module('items', []); var config = { // Items endpoints myItemRemoteServiceUrl: myItemRemoteServiceUrl, statusItemRemoteServiceUrl: statusItemRemoteServiceUrl, reflectionItemRemoteServiceUrl: reflectionItemRemoteServiceUrl, embedItemRemoteServiceUrl: embedItemRemoteServiceUrl, imageItemRemoteServiceUrl: imageItemRemoteServiceUrl, videoItemRemoteServiceUrl: videoItemRemoteServiceUrl, badgeItemRemoteServiceUrl: badgeItemRemoteServiceUrl, fileItemRemoteServiceUrl: fileItemRemoteServiceUrl, weblinkItemRemoteServiceUrl: weblinkItemRemoteServiceUrl, badgeCollectionItemRemoteServiceUrl: badgeCollectionItemRemoteServiceUrl, formItemRemoteServiceUrl: formItemRemoteServiceUrl, assessmentItemRemoteServiceUrl: assessmentItemRemoteServiceUrl, apigatewayUrl: apigatewayUrl, // Items caches cache: 'myItemsCache', myItemsCacheItem: 'items' }; mod.value('itemsConfig', config); var cloudinaryConfig = { // The name of the Clouinary account used to store images name: cloudinaryName, // The Cloudinary account upload preset that allows the client to directly upload images to Cloudinary uploadPreset: cloudinaryUploadPreset, // The Cloudinary account upload preset that allows the client to directly upload videos to Cloudinary videoUploadPreset: cloudinaryVideoUploadPreset, // The base url for cloudinary videos videoBaseUrl: cloudinaryVideoBaseUrl, // The base REST API url for Cloudinary apiBaseUrl: cloudinaryApiBaseUrl, // The base url for for cloudinary images baseUrl: cloudinaryBaseUrl, // Cloudinary add-on Url2PNG is used to capture screenshots of weblink items - this points to the url urlToPngBaseUrl: cloudinaryUrlToPngBaseUrl, // The path to upload images for items to on Cloudinary uploadPath: cloudinaryUploadPath, // The path to upload avatar images to on Cloudinary avatarUploadPath: cloudinaryAvatarUploadPath } mod.value('cloudinaryConfig', cloudinaryConfig); })();