(function () { 'use strict'; var app = angular.module('taskAdmin'); var templatePath = modulesSharedResourcesUrl + 'Modules/TaskAdmin/Views/'; //a directive that renders the task classes list app.directive('taskClassList', ['taskAdminDataContext', 'taskAdminService', 'common', '$location', '$modal', function (taskAdminDataContext, taskAdminService, common, $location, $modal) { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'taskclasslist.html', link: link }; function link($scope, elem, attrs) { var getLogFn = common.logger.getLogFn; var logSuccess = getLogFn("taskClass", "success"); var logError = getLogFn("taskClass", "error"); // Get all the task classes for the user function getTaskClasses() { taskAdminService.getTaskClasses().then(function (data) { $scope.taskClasses = data; $scope.taskClassesLoaded = true; }); } // function to delete a task class $scope.deleteTaskClass = function (taskClass) { taskAdminService.deleteTaskClass(taskClass).then(function (data) { logSuccess("Task class successfully deleted"); getTaskClasses(); }); } // Function to manage a task class $scope.manageTaskClass = function (taskClass) { if (taskClass) { taskAdminService.setCurrentTaskClass(taskClass); $location.path('/manageclass'); } else { taskAdminService.setCurrentTaskClass(null); $location.path('/manageclass'); } } // Table headers for tasks $scope.tableHeaders = [ { name: "Name", minWidth: "250px" }, { name: "Description", }, { name: "Created", width: "150px" }, { name: "Status", width: "160px" }, { name: "Actions", width: "120px", class: "text-right" } ]; // Order options for tasks $scope.orderOptions = [ { name: 'Name', value: { predicate: 'task.name', reverse: false }, }, { name: 'Description', value: { predicate: 'task.description', reverse: false }, }, { name: 'Created', value: { predicate: 'dateCreated', reverse: true }, }, { name: 'Status', value: { predicate: 'status', reverse: false } } ]; // Currently selected order option $scope.currentOrder = $scope.orderOptions[2]; getTaskClasses(); } }]); //a directive that enables the management of a task class app.directive('manageTaskClass', ['taskAdminDataContext', 'taskAdminService', 'common', '$location', '$modal', function (taskAdminDataContext, taskAdminService, common, $location, $modal) { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'managetaskclass.html', link: link }; function link($scope, elem, attrs) { var getLogFn = common.logger.getLogFn; var logSuccess = getLogFn("taskClass", "success"); var logError = getLogFn("taskClass", "error"); $scope.changesMadeToTaskClass = false; $scope.fontAwesomeClasses = taskAdminService.getTaskClassIcons(); // Focus an element skipping parts of the navigation $scope.focusElement = function (id) { $('#' + id).focus(); } //get the selected task class if exists in the service $scope.currentTaskClass = taskAdminService.getCurrentTaskClass(); // Get the available response types function getResponseTypes() { taskAdminService.getResponseTypes().then(function (data) { $scope.responseTypes = data; }); } getResponseTypes(); //if it doesn't exist use the service to create a blank task class if (!$scope.currentTaskClass) { $scope.currentTaskClass = taskAdminService.createBlankTaskClass(); } if ($scope.currentTaskClass.isInUse) { $scope.isInUse = true; } // Watch for changes to the task class $scope.$watchCollection('currentTaskClass', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== oldValue) { $scope.changesMadeToTaskClass = true; } }, true); // Function to go back to the task classes list $scope.goBack = function () { $location.path('/taskclass'); }; // Set the selected response type id $scope.responseTypeSelected = function (responseTypeId) { for (i in $scope.currentTaskClass.taskClassResponseTypes) { if ($scope.currentTaskClass.taskClassResponseTypes[i].taskResponseId == responseTypeId) { return true; } } return false; } // function to create or save a task class $scope.saveTaskClass = function () { if (!$scope.currentTaskClass.id) { taskAdminService.createTaskClass($scope.currentTaskClass).then(function (data) { logSuccess("Task class successfully created"); $location.path('/taskclass'); }); } else { taskAdminService.updateTaskClass($scope.currentTaskClass).then(function (data) { logSuccess("Task class successfully updated"); $location.path('/taskclass'); }); } } // function to publish a task class $scope.publishTaskClass = function () { $scope.currentTaskClass.status = 1; if ($scope.currentTaskClass.id) { taskAdminService.updateTaskClass($scope.currentTaskClass).then(function (data) { logSuccess("Task class successfully published"); $location.path('/taskclass'); }); } else { taskAdminService.createTaskClass($scope.currentTaskClass).then(function (data) { logSuccess("Task class successfully created and published"); $location.path('/taskclass'); }); } } // function to withdraw a task class $scope.withdrawTaskClass = function () { $scope.currentTaskClass.status = 2; taskAdminService.updateTaskClass($scope.currentTaskClass).then(function (data) { logSuccess("Task class successfully withdrawn"); $location.path('/taskclass'); }); } // function to clear down selected values that relate to a disabled function $scope.dynamicSelector = function () { if (!$scope.currentTaskClass.completionNotifier) { $scope.currentTaskClass.completionBadgeIssuing = false; $scope.currentTaskClass.completionDeliverableRequired = false; $scope.currentTaskClass.markingSchemeRequired = false; $scope.currentTaskClass.taskClassResponseTypes = []; } if (!$scope.currentTaskClass.completionDeliverableRequired) { $scope.currentTaskClass.taskClassResponseTypes = []; } } } }]); //a directive that renders the task classes list app.directive('taskList', ['taskAdminDataContext', 'taskAdminService', 'common', '$location', '$modal', function (taskAdminDataContext, taskAdminService, common, $location, $modal) { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'tasklist.html', link: link }; function link($scope, elem, attrs) { var getLogFn = common.logger.getLogFn; var logSuccess = getLogFn("taskClass", "success"); var logError = getLogFn("taskClass", "error"); // Define the status filters $scope.filters = [ { name: 'Draft', value: 0 }, { name: 'Published', value: 1 }, { name: 'Withdrawn', value: 2 } ]; // Set the initail filter values $scope.filterValues = [0, 1]; // Apply the status filters $scope.applyStatusFilter = function (value, index) { return $scope.filterValues.indexOf(value.status) !== -1; } // Get all the task classes for the user function getTasks() { taskAdminService.getAllTasks().then(function (data) { $scope.tasks = data; $scope.tasksLoaded = true; }); } $scope.createTask = function () { taskAdminService.getDefaultTaskClass().then(function (data) { $scope.task = taskAdminService.createBlankTask(); $scope.task.taskClassId = data.id; $scope.task.taskClass = data; taskAdminService.setCurrentTask($scope.task); $location.path('/managetask'); }); } // Table headers for tasks $scope.tableHeaders = [ { name: "Name", width: "250px" }, { name: "Description", }, { name: "Created", width: "150px" }, { name: "Status", width: "160px" }, { name: "Updated", width: "120px" }, { name: "Actions", width: "120px", class: "text-right" } ]; // Order options for tasks $scope.orderOptions = [ { name: 'Name', value: { predicate: 'task.name', reverse: false }, }, { name: 'Description', value: { predicate: 'task.description', reverse: false }, }, { name: 'Created', value: { predicate: 'dateCreated', reverse: true }, }, { name: 'Status', value: { predicate: 'status', reverse: false }, }, { name: 'Updated', value: { predicate: 'dateUpdated', reverse: true }, }, ]; // Currently selected order option $scope.currentOrder = $scope.orderOptions[2]; //// call the create task modal //$scope.createTaskModal = function () { // $modal.open({ // templateUrl: templatePath + '/chooseclass.html', // controller: typeController, // size: 'sm', // backdrop: 'static' // }); //} //var typeController = function (common, $scope, $modalInstance) { // // Get all the task classes for the user // function getTaskClasses() { // taskAdminService.getTaskClasses().then(function (data) { // $scope.taskClasses = data; // $scope.taskClassesLoaded = true; // }); // } // getTaskClasses(); // // function to create a task // $scope.createTask = function (taskClass) { // $scope.task = taskAdminService.createBlankTask(); // $scope.task.taskClassId = taskClass.id; // $scope.task.taskClass = taskClass; // taskAdminService.setCurrentTask($scope.task); // $location.path('/managetask'); // $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); // } // //close the modal // $scope.cancel = function () { // $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); // }; //} // function to delete a task class $scope.deleteTask = function (task) { taskAdminService.deleteTask(task).then(function (data) { logSuccess("Task successfully deleted"); getTasks(); }); } // function to manage a task class $scope.manageTask = function (task, $event) { $event.preventDefault(); taskAdminService.getTaskRecord(task).then(function () { $location.path('/managetask'); }); } getTasks(); } }]); //a directive that enables the management of a task class app.directive('manageTask', ['config', 'taskAdminDataContext', 'taskAdminService', 'markingSchemeAdminDataContext', 'OrganisationAdminService', 'myFormsAdminDataContext', 'common', '$location', '$modal', 'virusScanModalService', '$filter', 'rulesAdminDataContext', function (config, taskAdminDataContext, taskAdminService, markingSchemeAdminDataContext, OrganisationAdminService, myFormsAdminDataContext, common, $location, $modal, virusScanModalService, $filter, rulesAdminDataContext) { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'managetask.html', link: link, scope: { autoComplete: '=' }, }; function link($scope, elem, attrs) { var getLogFn = common.logger.getLogFn; var logSuccess = getLogFn("taskClass", "success"); var logError = getLogFn("taskClass", "error"); $scope.anyForm = true; $scope.newValue = {}; $scope.changesMadeToTask = false; // Focus an element skipping parts of the navigation $scope.focusElement = function (id) { $('#' + id).focus(); } //Get form types but exclude CPD and Quiz $scope.formTypes = taskAdminService.getFormTypes(); $scope.formTypes = $filter('filter')($scope.formTypes, function(formType){ return formType.name != 'CPD' && formType.name != 'Quiz' }); //get the selected task from the service $scope.currentTask = taskAdminService.getCurrentTask(); if (!$scope.currentTask) { $location.path('/tasks'); } else { $scope.currentTask.autoCompleteBadges = []; } // Watch for changes to the task class $scope.$watchCollection('currentTask', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== oldValue) { $scope.changesMadeToTask = true; } }, true); // Watch for changes to the task marking schemes $scope.$watchCollection('currentTask.taskMarkingSchemes', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== oldValue) { $scope.changesMadeToTask = true; } }, true); // Watch for changes to the task steps $scope.$watchCollection('currentTask.taskSteps', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== oldValue) { $scope.changesMadeToTask = true; } }, true); // Change between the tabs $scope.changeTab = function (tab, $event) { $event.preventDefault(); $scope.detail = false; $scope.steps = false; $scope.responsetype = false; $scope.ms = false; $scope.autocomplete = false; $scope.notifications = false; if (tab == 'description') { $scope.detail = true; } if (tab == 'steps') { $scope.steps = true; } if (tab == 'response') { $scope.responsetype = true; } if (tab == 'schemes') { $scope.ms = true; } if (tab == 'autocomplete') { $scope.autocomplete = true; } if (tab == 'notifications') { $scope.notifications = true; } } // Get all the marking scemes for the user function getAvailableMarkingSchemes() { markingSchemeAdminDataContext.getAllMarkingSchemes().then(function (data) { $scope.markingSchemes = []; for (i in data) { if (data[i].status == 1) { $scope.markingSchemes.push(data[i]); } } $scope.markingSchemesLoaded = true; }); } getAvailableMarkingSchemes(); // Get all the available forms for a user function getAvailableForms() { myFormsAdminDataContext.getTemplatesICanManage().then(function (data) { $scope.availableForms = []; for (i in data) { if (data[i].isPublished && data[i].formType != 5) { //don't include activity types $scope.availableForms.push(data[i]); } } $scope.availableFormsLoaded = true; }); } //Set the form template as the response type $scope.setSelectedForm = function (selectedForm) { $scope.selectedForm = selectedForm; $scope.currentTask.taskResponseTypes[0].taskResponseTypeProperties = []; if (selectedForm) { $scope.currentTask.taskResponseTypes[0].taskResponseTypeProperties.push({ name: 'formTemplateId', value: selectedForm.id }); } } // Get the selected form if one has already been associated with the task $scope.getSelectedForm = function () { if (!$scope.currentTask) { return; } $scope.formResponseType = 'any'; if ($scope.currentTask.taskResponseTypes.length>0) { if ($scope.currentTask.taskResponseTypes[0].taskResponseTypeProperties.length > 0) { if ($scope.currentTask.taskResponseTypes[0].taskResponseTypeProperties[0].name == 'formTemplateId') { getAvailableForms(); $scope.specificForm = true; $scope.anyForm = false; myFormsAdminDataContext.getFormTemplate($scope.currentTask.taskResponseTypes[0].taskResponseTypeProperties[0].value).then(function (data) { $scope.selectedForm = data; $scope.availableFormsLoaded = true; }); $scope.formResponseType = 'specific'; } if ($scope.currentTask.taskResponseTypes[0].taskResponseTypeProperties[0].name == 'formType') { $scope.Types = true; $scope.formType = parseInt($scope.currentTask.taskResponseTypes[0].taskResponseTypeProperties[0].value); $scope.specificForm = false; $scope.anyForm = false; $scope.formResponseType = 'type'; } } } } // Set the form response type $scope.setFormResponseType = function (type) { if (type == 'any') { $scope.anyForm = true; $scope.specificForm = false; $scope.Types = false; $scope.currentTask.taskResponseTypes[0].taskResponseTypeProperties = []; } if (type == 'specific') { $scope.anyForm = false; $scope.specificForm = true; $scope.Types = false; getAvailableForms(); } if (type == 'type') { $scope.anyForm = false; $scope.specificForm = false; $scope.Types = true; } } //Get the already set marking schemes $scope.getMarkingScheme = function (markingScheme) { markingSchemeAdminDataContext.getMarkingScheme(markingScheme.markingSchemeId).then(function (data) { markingScheme.markingScheme = data; return markingScheme; }); } $scope.autoCompleteChange = function (checked) { if (checked) { $scope.currentTask.taskMarkingSchemes = []; }; } // Function to add a new value to the marking schemes values $scope.addNewStep = function (nameForm, descriptionForm) { $scope.currentTask.taskSteps.push({ name: $scope.newValue.newStepName, description: $scope.newValue.newStepDescription, ordinal: $scope.currentTask.taskSteps.length }); $scope.newValue.newStepName = ''; $scope.newValue.newStepDescription = ''; nameForm.$setPristine() descriptionForm.$setPristine() } // Add a marking scheme to the task $scope.addMarkingScheme = function (schemeId) { $scope.isAdding = true; markingSchemeAdminDataContext.getMarkingScheme(schemeId).then(function (data) { if(data){ var exists = false; data.markingSchemeId = schemeId; data.taskMarkingSchemeValues = data.markingSchemeValues; for (i in $scope.currentTask.taskMarkingSchemes) { if ($scope.currentTask.taskMarkingSchemes[i].markingSchemeId == data.markingSchemeId) { exists = true; $scope.markingSchemeError = 'This grading system has already been added.'; } } if (!exists) { data.ordinal = $scope.currentTask.taskMarkingSchemes.length data.markingSchemeType = data.type; $scope.currentTask.taskMarkingSchemes.push(data); } $scope.currentTask.autoComplete = false; } $scope.isAdding = false; }).catch(function(ex){ $scope.isAdding = false; }); } // Set the selected marking scheme $scope.setMarkingSchemeToAdd = function () { $scope.markingSchemeError = null; } // Set the marking scheme values in the correct order $scope.setSchemeValueOrdinal = function (value, scheme) { for (var j = 0; j < scheme.markingSchemeValues.length; j++) { if (value.name == scheme.markingSchemeValues[j].name) { value.ordinal = scheme.markingSchemeValues[j].ordinal; } } } // determine which response type has been selected $scope.responseTypeSelected = function (responseType) { for (i in $scope.currentTask.taskResponseTypes) { if ($scope.currentTask.taskResponseTypes[i].taskClassResponseTypeId == responseType.id) { if (responseType.name == 'Form') { $scope.showFormResponse = true; $scope.showShowcaseResponse = false; } if (responseType.name == 'Showcase') { $scope.showShowcaseResponse = true; $scope.showFormResponse = false; } return true; } } return false; } // Set the selected response type when initialized $scope.setSelectedResponseType = function (responseType) { if ($scope.responseTypeSelected(responseType)) { $scope.currentTask.taskClass.taskClassResponseTypes[i].responseSelected = true; } } // Set the selected response type $scope.setResponseType = function (responseType) { $scope.showFormResponse = false; $scope.showShowcaseResponse = false; $scope.currentTask.taskResponseTypes = []; $scope.selectedForm = null; $scope.anyForm = false; $scope.specificForm = false; $scope.Types = false; // Deselect all response types for (i in $scope.currentTask.taskClass.taskClassResponseTypes) { if (responseType.id !== $scope.currentTask.taskClass.taskClassResponseTypes[i].id) { $scope.currentTask.taskClass.taskClassResponseTypes[i].responseSelected = false; } } if (responseType.responseSelected) { if (responseType.name == 'Form') { $scope.showFormResponse = true; $scope.showShowcaseResponse = false; } if (responseType.name == 'Showcase') { $scope.showShowcaseResponse = true; $scope.showFormResponse = false; } $scope.currentTask.taskResponseTypes = []; $scope.currentTask.taskResponseTypes.push({ taskClassResponseTypeId: responseType.id, taskResponseTypeProperties: [] }); } } // Function to go back to the task classes list $scope.goBack = function () { $location.path('/tasks'); }; // function to save a task class $scope.saveTask = function () { $scope.isSaving = true; if ($scope.currentTask.id) { taskAdminDataContext.updateTask($scope.currentTask).then(function (data) { logSuccess("Task successfully updated"); $location.path('/tasks'); $scope.isSaving = false; }).catch(function (errorData) { if (errorData === "Virus scan positive.") { virusScanModalService.virusModal(); } else { logError("An error occured saving the item."); } $scope.isSaving = false; }); } else { taskAdminDataContext.createTask($scope.currentTask).then(function (data) { logSuccess("Task successfully created"); $location.path('/tasks'); $scope.isSaving = false; }).catch(function (errorData) { if (errorData === "Virus scan positive.") { virusScanModalService.virusModal(); } else { logError("An error occured saving the item."); } $scope.isSaving = false; }); } } // function to publish a task $scope.publishTask = function (assign) { var oldStatus = $scope.currentTask.status; $scope.isSaving = true; $scope.isFirstPublish = $scope.currentTask.status === 0; $scope.assign = assign; $scope.currentTask.status = 1; $scope.assigning = true; if ($scope.currentTask.id) { taskAdminService.updateTask($scope.currentTask).then(function (data) { logSuccess("Task successfully published"); if (!$scope.assign) { $location.path('/tasks'); } else { $scope.publishAssignTask($scope.currentTask); } }).catch(function (errorData) { if (errorData === "Virus scan positive.") { $scope.currentTask.status = oldStatus; virusScanModalService.virusModal(); } else { logError("An error occured saving the item."); } $scope.isSaving = false; });; } else { taskAdminService.createTask($scope.currentTask).then(function (data) { $scope.currentTask.id = data.id; logSuccess("Task successfully published"); if (!$scope.assign) { $location.path('/tasks'); } else { $scope.publishAssignTask(data); } }).catch(function (errorData) { if (errorData === "Virus scan positive.") { $scope.currentTask.status = oldStatus; virusScanModalService.virusModal(); } else { logError("An error occured saving the item."); } $scope.isSaving = false; });; } } $scope.publishAssignTask = function (task) { $modal.open({ templateUrl: templatePath + 'assignmodal.html', controller: publishAssignTaskController, size: 'lg', resolve: { task: function () { return task; } }, backdrop: 'static' }); } var publishAssignTaskController = function (common, $scope, $modalInstance, task) { $scope.selectedTask = task; $scope.chosenOrganisations = []; $scope.assignTask = function () { $scope.isSaving = true; $scope.assigning = true; var assignment = { taskRecordId: $scope.selectedTask.id, assigneeIds: $scope.chosenOrganisations, groupWork: false, deadline: $scope.selectedTask.deadline, taskAssignmentType: 1, autoComplete: $scope.selectedTask.autoComplete } taskAdminService.assignTaskToGroup(assignment).then(function (data) { logSuccess("Tasks successfully assigned"); $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); $location.path('/assignedtask/' + data.id); }); } //close the modal $scope.cancel = function () { $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; $scope.tomorrow = new Date(); $scope.tomorrow.setDate($scope.tomorrow.getDate() + 1); } // function to withdraw a task class $scope.withdrawTask = function () { $scope.currentTask.status = 2; taskAdminService.updateTask($scope.currentTask).then(function (data) { logSuccess("Task successfully withdrawn"); $location.path('/tasks'); }); } // Check the task forms validility $scope.checkTaskValidility = function (saveOnly) { if ($scope.currentTask) { if ($scope.createTaskForm.$invalid) { return false; } if ($scope.createTaskFormDetails.$invalid && !saveOnly) { return false; } if ($scope.specificForm && $scope.currentTask.taskResponseTypes[0] && !$scope.selectedForm && !saveOnly) { return false; } if ($scope.specificForm && $scope.currentTask.taskResponseTypes[0] && !$scope.selectedForm && !saveOnly) { return false; } if ($scope.Types && $scope.currentTask.taskResponseTypes[0] && $scope.currentTask.taskResponseTypes[0].taskResponseTypeProperties.length == 0 && !saveOnly) { return false; } //if ($scope.currentTask.taskClass) { // if ($scope.currentTask.taskClass.completionDeliverableRequired && $scope.currentTask.taskResponseTypes.length == 0 && !saveOnly) { // return false; // } //} if ($scope.currentTask.taskSteps && $scope.currentTask.taskSteps.length) { for (i in $scope.currentTask.taskSteps) { if ($scope.currentTask.taskSteps[i].editing) { return false; } } } return true; } } $scope.setStepOrder = function (evt) { for (i in $scope.currentTask.taskSteps) { if ($scope.currentTask.taskSteps[i].ordinal == evt.newIndex) { $scope.currentTask.taskSteps[i].ordinal = evt.oldIndex; } if ($scope.currentTask.taskSteps[i].name == evt.model.name) { $scope.currentTask.taskSteps[i].ordinal = evt.newIndex; } } } $scope.setMarkingOrder = function (evt) { for (i in $scope.currentTask.taskMarkingSchemes) { if ($scope.currentTask.taskMarkingSchemes[i].ordinal == evt.newIndex) { $scope.currentTask.taskMarkingSchemes[i].ordinal = evt.oldIndex; } if ($scope.currentTask.taskMarkingSchemes[i].name == evt.model.name) { $scope.currentTask.taskMarkingSchemes[i].ordinal = evt.newIndex; } } } // Edit the step for a task $scope.editStep = function (step) { step.editing = true; setTimeout(function () { $("#editName" + step.ordinal).focus(); }, 15); } $scope.changeTaskClassModal = function () { $modal.open({ templateUrl: templatePath + 'chooseclass.html', controller: changeTaskClassController, size: 'sm', resolve: { task: function () { return $scope.currentTask; } } }); } var changeTaskClassController = function (common, $scope, $modalInstance, task) { $scope.task = task; $scope.isChanging = true; // Get all the task classes for the user function getTaskClasses() { taskAdminService.getTaskClasses().then(function (data) { $scope.taskClasses = data; $scope.taskClassesLoaded = true; }); } $scope.createTask = function (taskClass) { $scope.task.taskClass = taskClass; $scope.task.taskClassId = taskClass.id; $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } //close the modal $scope.cancel = function () { $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; getTaskClasses(); } // Called when image file has been selected $scope.onFileSelect = function (files) { if (files) { $scope.errorMessage = null; $scope.file = files[0]; if($scope.file != null){ $scope.file.fileName = $scope.file.name; if ($scope.file.size > config.maxFileUpload) { $scope.errorMessage = 'File size is too large, max ' + $filter('filesize')(config.maxFileUpload); return; } if ($scope.currentTask.taskAttachments == null) { $scope.currentTask.taskAttachments = []; } var fileReference = { file: $scope.file, name: '', description: '', fileExtension: $scope.file.type, fileUrl: '', fileType: 2, fileName: $scope.file.name, visibility: true }; $scope.currentTask.taskAttachments.unshift(fileReference); var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (e) { fileReference.fileAsBase64 = reader.result; } reader.readAsDataURL($scope.file); } } } $scope.removeAttachment = function (file) { for (i in $scope.currentTask.taskAttachments) { if (file.id) { if ($scope.currentTask.taskAttachments[i].id == file.id) { $scope.currentTask.taskAttachments.splice(i, 1); return; } } else { if ($scope.currentTask.taskAttachments[i].file) { if ($scope.currentTask.taskAttachments[i].file.lastModified == file.file.lastModified) { $scope.currentTask.taskAttachments.splice(i, 1); return; } } } } } } }]); //a directive that allows the ability to assign a task app.directive('assignTask', ['taskAdminDataContext', 'taskAdminService', 'common', '$location', '$modal', function (taskAdminDataContext, taskAdminService, common, $location, $modal) { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'assigntask.html', link: link }; function link($scope, elem, attrs) { var getLogFn = common.logger.getLogFn; var logSuccess = getLogFn("assignTask", "success"); $scope.selectedTasks = []; $scope.chosenOrganisations = []; //Tomorrow's date value is used to restrict the minimum deadline date $scope.tomorrow = new Date(); $scope.tomorrow.setDate($scope.tomorrow.getDate() + 1); // Get all the task classes for the user function getTasks() { taskAdminService.getAllTasks().then(function (data) { $scope.tasks = data; $scope.tasksLoaded = true; }); } $scope.assignTask = function () { $scope.isSaving = true; for (var j = 0; j < $scope.selectedTasks.length; j++) { var assignment = { taskRecordId: $scope.selectedTasks[j].id, assigneeIds: $scope.chosenOrganisations, groupWork: false, deadline: $scope.selectedTasks[j].deadline, taskAssignmentType: 1, autoComplete: $scope.selectedTasks[j].autoComplete } taskAdminService.assignTaskToGroup(assignment).then(function (data) { logSuccess("Tasks successfully assigned"); $location.path('/assignedtasks'); }); } } getTasks(); } }]); //a directive that allows the ability to assign a task app.directive('assignedTasks', ['taskAdminDataContext', 'taskAdminService', 'common', '$location', '$modal', function (taskAdminDataContext, taskAdminService, common, $location, $modal) { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'assignedtasks.html', link: link, scope: { autoComplete: '=' } }; function link($scope) { // Define the status filters $scope.filters = [ { name: 'Open', value: 0 }, { name: 'Recalled', value: 1 } ]; $scope.filterValues = [0]; // Apply the status filters $scope.applyStatusFilter = function (value, index) { return $scope.filterValues.indexOf(value.status) !== -1; } // Get all the task classes for the user function getAssignedTasks() { taskAdminService.getAssignedTasksSimple().then(function (data) { $scope.assignedTasks = data; $scope.assignedTasksLoaded = true; }); } $scope.getAssignerDetails = function (assigner) { if (assigner) { user.getUserProfile(assigner.createdBy).then(function (data) { assigner.user = data; }); } } // Table headers for tasks $scope.tableHeaders = [ { name: "Name", minWidth: "200px" }, { name: "Description", }, { name: "Assigned", width: "150px" }, { name: "Status", width: "140px" }, { name: "Deadline", width: "120px" }, { name: "Autocomplete", width: "140px", hide: !$scope.autoComplete }, { name: "# To review", width: "100px" } ]; // Order options for tasks $scope.orderOptions = [ { name: 'Name', value: { predicate: 'taskRecord.name', reverse: false }, }, { name: 'Description', value: { predicate: 'taskRecord.description', reverse: false }, }, { name: 'Assigned', value: { predicate: 'dateAssigned', reverse: true }, }, { name: 'Status', value: { predicate: 'status', reverse: false }, }, { name: 'Deadline', value: { predicate: 'deadline', reverse: true }, }, { name: 'Autocomplete', value: { predicate: 'autoComplete', reverse: false } }, { name: '# To review', value: { predicate: 'toReviewCount', reverse: true } } ]; // Currently selected order option $scope.currentOrder = $scope.orderOptions[2]; getAssignedTasks(); } }]); //a directive that allows the ability to view an assigned task and manage progress of the users assigned to it app.directive('viewAssignedTask', ['taskAdminDataContext', 'taskAdminService', 'markingSchemeAdminDataContext', 'myFormsDataContext', '$routeParams', 'common', 'user', '$location', '$filter', 'taskAdminConfig', function (taskAdminDataContext, taskAdminService, markingSchemeAdminDataContext, myFormsDataContext, $routeParams, common, user, $location, $filter, config) { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'viewassignedtask.html', link: link }; function link($scope) { var getLogFn = common.logger.getLogFn; var logSuccess = getLogFn("viewAssignedTask", "success"); $scope.exportToCsv = function () { //window.open(config.taskUrl + 'reports/assignments/' + $scope.assignedTaskId + '/users/export') taskAdminService.exportAssignedUsersToCsv($scope.assignedTaskId).then(function (response) { console.log("CSV exported"); var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = "data:application/octet-stream;base64," + response.data; link.target = '_blank'; link.download = response.name; link.click(); }); } // Get the selected task from the service $scope.assignedTaskId = $routeParams.assignedTaskId; $scope.currentAssignedTask = null; $scope.orderByPredicate = 'assignment.latestResponse.dateCreated'; $scope.assignedUsers = []; $scope.visibleUserCount = 20; $scope.userAssignments = []; $scope.currentAssignedTask = taskAdminService.getCurrentAssignedTask(); if (!$scope.assignedTaskId) { $location.path('/assignedtasks'); } else { $scope.recipients = true; getUser(); getAssignedTask(); } $scope.getFormTypeName = function (type) { type = parseInt(type); var typeName = taskAdminService.getFormTypeName(type); return typeName; } $scope.showMoreUsers = function () { $scope.visibleUserCount += 4; } $scope.resetVisibleUserCount = function () { $scope.visibleUserCount = 20; } function getAssignedTask() { taskAdminService.getAssignedTask($scope.assignedTaskId).then(function (data) { taskAdminService.setCurrentAssignedTask(data); $scope.currentAssignedTask = data; getAssignedUsers() }); }; $scope.showAllGrades = function (showAll) { if (showAll) { for (i in $scope.users) { if ($scope.users[i]) $scope.users[i].showMarks = true; } } else { for (i in $scope.users) { if ($scope.users[i]) $scope.users[i].showMarks = false; } } } function getUser() { user.getProfile().then(function (user) { $scope.reviewer = user; }); } $scope.getFormDetail = function(formId) { myFormsDataContext.getFormTemplate(formId).then(function (form) { $scope.selectedForm = form; }); } // Define the status filters $scope.filterValues = []; $scope.filters = [ { name: 'No response', value: 0, class: 'bg-gray-light' }, { name: 'In progress', value: 9, class: 'bg-warning' }, { name: 'To review', value: 4, class: 'bg-dark' }, { name: 'Under review', value: 5, class: 'bg-warning' }, { name: 'Reviewed', value: 6, class: 'bg-success' }, { name: 'Completed', value: 8, class: 'bg-success' }, { name: 'Returned', value: 7, class: 'bg-danger' } ]; $scope.filterSelectAll = function () { $scope.selectAll = !$scope.selectAll; if ($scope.selectAll) { if ($scope.filterValues.length > 0) { $scope.filterValues.splice(0, $scope.filterValues.length); } $scope.filterValues.push.apply($scope.filterValues, [0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]); } else { $scope.filterValues.splice(0, $scope.filterValues.length); } } $scope.filterValueToggled = function () { $scope.$applyAsync(function () { $scope.selectAll = $scope.filterValues.length == 7; }); } // Apply the status filters $scope.applyStatusFilter = function (value, index) { if ($scope.filterValues.length < 1) { return value != null && !value.assigned; } if (value != null && value.assignment) return $scope.filterValues.indexOf(value.assignment.status) !== -1; } function getAssignedUsers() { user.getUserProfile($scope.currentAssignedTask.createdBy).then(function (data) { $scope.currentAssignedTask.user = data; }); taskAdminService.getAssignedUsers($scope.currentAssignedTask).then(function (users) { $scope.users = users; // The number of assignments for each status for this task $scope.assignments = { 'No response': 0, 'To review': 0, 'In progress': 0, 'Under review': 0, 'Reviewed': 0, 'Returned': 0, 'Completed': 0 }; $scope.filterSelectAll(); // The users that have been assigned (they might have joined the group after the assignment) var assigned = $filter('filter')(users, {assigned: true}); $scope.numAssigned = assigned.length; for (var j = 0; j < $scope.users.length; j++) { if($scope.users[j] != null ){ if (!$scope.users[j].assigned) { $scope.containsUnassignedUsers = true; } for (var i = 0; i < $scope.currentAssignedTask.taskIndividualAssignments.length; i++) { if ($scope.users[j].id == $scope.currentAssignedTask.taskIndividualAssignments[i].ownerId) { $scope.users[j].assignment = $scope.currentAssignedTask.taskIndividualAssignments[i]; if($scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.taskResponseTypes.length > 0){ switch ($scope.currentAssignedTask.taskIndividualAssignments[i].status) { case 4: $scope.assignments['To review']++; break; case 5: $scope.assignments['Under review']++; break; case 6: $scope.assignments['Reviewed']++; break; case 7: $scope.assignments['Returned']++; break; case 8: $scope.assignments['Completed']++; break; case 9: $scope.assignments['In progress']++; break; case 0: $scope.assignments['No response']++; break; } } } } } } for (var j = 0; j < $scope.users.length; j++) { if($scope.users[j] != null ){ if (!$scope.users[j].assignment) { if ($scope.users[j].assigned) { $scope.assignments['No response']++; } $scope.users[j].assignment = { status: 0 }; } } } $scope.usersLoaded = true; }); } //Get the already set marking schemes $scope.getMarkingScheme = function (markingScheme) { markingSchemeAdminDataContext.getMarkingScheme(markingScheme.markingSchemeId).then(function (data) { markingScheme.markingScheme = data; return markingScheme; }); } //Get the already set marking schemes $scope.assignAssignedTask = function (user) { var assignment = { ownerId: user.id, taskAssignmentId: $scope.currentAssignedTask.id, taskName: $scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.name } taskAdminService.assignTaskToIndividual(assignment).then(function(){ $scope.usersLoaded = false; logSuccess("Task assigned"); getAssignedUsers(); }); } $scope.closeTask = function () { taskAdminService.closeAssignedTask($scope.currentAssignedTask).then(function () { logSuccess("Tasks assignment successfully closed"); $location.path('/assignedtasks'); }); } $scope.recallTask = function () { taskAdminService.recallAssignedTask($scope.currentAssignedTask).then(function () { logSuccess("Tasks assignment successfully recalled"); $location.path('/assignedtasks'); }); } $scope.getUserDetails = function (assignedUser) { if (assignedUser) { user.getUserProfile(assignedUser.id).then(function (data) { return assignedUser.user = data; }); } } $scope.getReviewerDetails = function(review) { if (review) { user.getUserProfile(review.createdBy).then(function (data) { return review.user = data; }); } } $scope.reviewAssignedTask = function (response) { taskAdminService.setCurrentTasksResponse(response); $location.path('/reviewtask'); } } }]); //a directive that allows the ability to view a list of assigned tasks that have completions to view app.directive('completions', ['taskAdminDataContext', 'taskAdminService', 'common', '$location', '$modal', function (taskAdminDataContext, taskAdminService, common, $location, $modal) { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'completions.html', link: link, scope: { autoComplete: '=' } }; function link($scope) { // Define the status filters $scope.filters = [ { name: 'Open', value: 0 }, { name: 'Recalled', value: 1 } ]; $scope.filterValues = [0]; // Apply the status filters $scope.applyStatusFilter = function (value, index) { return $scope.filterValues.indexOf(value.status) !== -1; } // Get all the task classes for the user function getAssignedTasks() { taskAdminService.getAssignedTasksSimple().then(function (data) { $scope.assignedTasks = data; $scope.assignedTasksLoaded = true; }); } $scope.getAssignerDetails = function (assigner) { if (assigner) { user.getUserProfile(assigner.createdBy).then(function (data) { assigner.user = data; }); } } // Table headers for tasks $scope.tableHeaders = [ { name: "Name", minWidth: "200px" }, { name: "Description", }, { name: "Assigned", width: "150px" }, { name: "Status", width: "140px" }, { name: "# Not yet notified", width: "200px" } ]; // Order options for tasks $scope.orderOptions = [ { name: 'Name', value: { predicate: 'taskRecord.name', reverse: false }, }, { name: 'Description', value: { predicate: 'taskRecord.description', reverse: false }, }, { name: 'Assigned', value: { predicate: 'dateAssigned', reverse: true }, }, { name: 'Status', value: { predicate: 'status', reverse: false }, }, { name: 'Deadline', value: { predicate: 'deadline', reverse: true }, }, { name: 'Autocomplete', value: { predicate: 'autoComplete', reverse: false } }, { name: '# To review', value: { predicate: 'toReviewCount', reverse: true } } ]; // Currently selected order option $scope.currentOrder = $scope.orderOptions[2]; getAssignedTasks(); } }]); //a directive that allows the ability to view the completions in an assigned task app.directive('viewAssignedTaskCompletions', ['taskAdminDataContext', 'taskAdminService', 'markingSchemeAdminDataContext', 'myFormsDataContext', '$routeParams', 'common', 'user', '$location', '$filter', function (taskAdminDataContext, taskAdminService, markingSchemeAdminDataContext, myFormsDataContext, $routeParams, common, user, $location, $filter) { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'viewassignedtaskcompletions.html', link: link }; function link($scope) { var getLogFn = common.logger.getLogFn; var logSuccess = getLogFn("viewAssignedTaskCompletions", "success"); // Get the selected task from the service $scope.assignedTaskId = $routeParams.assignedTaskId; $scope.currentAssignedTask = null; $scope.orderByPredicate = 'assignment.latestResponse.dateCreated'; $scope.assignedUsers = []; $scope.visibleUserCount = 20; $scope.userAssignments = []; $scope.emailsSending = false; $scope.currentAssignedTask = taskAdminService.getCurrentAssignedTask(); if (!$scope.assignedTaskId) { $location.path('/assignedtasks'); } else { $scope.recipients = true; getUser(); getAssignedTask(); } $scope.getFormTypeName = function (type) { type = parseInt(type); var typeName = taskAdminService.getFormTypeName(type); return typeName; } $scope.showMoreUsers = function () { $scope.visibleUserCount += 4; } $scope.resetVisibleUserCount = function () { $scope.visibleUserCount = 20; } function getAssignedTask() { taskAdminService.getAssignedTask($scope.assignedTaskId).then(function (data) { taskAdminService.setCurrentAssignedTask(data); $scope.currentAssignedTask = data; getAssignedUsers() }); }; //function getAssignedTaskCompletions() { // taskAdminService.getAssignedTaskCompletions($scope.assignedTaskId).then(function (data) { // taskAdminService.setCurrentAssignedTask(data); // $//scope.currentAssignedTask = data[0]; // getAssignedUsers() // }); //}; // Function to go back to the task classes list $scope.goBack = function () { $location.path('/completions'); }; $scope.selectedUsers = []; /* * The users that have not been notified yet * */ $scope.notNotifiedUsers = []; $scope.notNotifiedUserIds = []; $scope.recipientClicked = function (individualTaskId) { if ($scope.selectedUsers.indexOf(individualTaskId) > -1) { $scope.selectedUsers = $scope.selectedUsers.filter(x => x !== individualTaskId); //$scope.selectedUsers = $scope.selectedUsers.splice($scope.selectedUsers.indexOf(individualTaskId), 1); } else { $scope.selectedUsers.push(individualTaskId); } } $scope.allNotNotifiedSelected = false; $scope.allNotNotifiedDeSelected = true; /* * Select all not yet notified recipients * */ $scope.selectAllNotNotified = function () { //$scope.selectedUsers = $scope.notNotifiedUserIds; $.each($scope.notNotifiedUserIds, function (index) { $scope.selectedUsers.push($scope.notNotifiedUserIds[index]); }); $.each($scope.notNotifiedUsers, function (index) { $scope.users.find(u => u.id == $scope.notNotifiedUsers[index].id).selected = true; }); $scope.allNotNotifiedDeSelected = false; $scope.allNotNotifiedSelected = true; } /* * De-select all not yet notified recipients * */ $scope.deselectAllNotNotified = function () { //$scope.selectedUsers = $scope.notNotifiedUserIds; $.each($scope.notNotifiedUserIds, function (index) { $scope.selectedUsers = $scope.selectedUsers.filter(x => x !== $scope.notNotifiedUserIds[index]); }); $.each($scope.notNotifiedUsers, function (index) { $scope.users.find(u => u.id == $scope.notNotifiedUsers[index].id).selected = false; }); $scope.allNotNotifiedSelected = false; $scope.allNotNotifiedDeSelected = true; } //TODO: somehow need to pass the selected users' individual task ids here $scope.sendCompletionNotifications = function () { $scope.emailsSending = true; taskAdminService.sendReviewedResponseEmails({ assignmentId: $scope.currentAssignedTask.id, individualAssignmentIds: $scope.selectedUsers }).then(function (data) { $scope.emailsSending = false; logSuccess($scope.selectedUsers.length + " Notifications sent"); $scope.goBack(); }); } $scope.showAllGrades = function (showAll) { if (showAll) { for (i in $scope.users) { if ($scope.users[i]) $scope.users[i].showMarks = true; } } else { for (i in $scope.users) { if ($scope.users[i]) $scope.users[i].showMarks = false; } } } function getUser() { user.getProfile().then(function (user) { $scope.reviewer = user; }); } $scope.getFormDetail = function (formId) { myFormsDataContext.getFormTemplate(formId).then(function (form) { $scope.selectedForm = form; }); } // Define the status filters $scope.filterValues = []; $scope.filters = [ { name: 'No response', value: 0, class: 'bg-gray-light' }, { name: 'In progress', value: 9, class: 'bg-warning' }, { name: 'To review', value: 4, class: 'bg-dark' }, { name: 'Under review', value: 5, class: 'bg-warning' }, { name: 'Reviewed', value: 6, class: 'bg-success' }, { name: 'Completed', value: 8, class: 'bg-success' }, { name: 'Returned', value: 7, class: 'bg-danger' } ]; $scope.filterSelectAll = function () { $scope.selectAll = !$scope.selectAll; if ($scope.selectAll) { if ($scope.filterValues.length > 0) { $scope.filterValues.splice(0, $scope.filterValues.length); } $scope.filterValues.push.apply($scope.filterValues, [0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]); } else { $scope.filterValues.splice(0, $scope.filterValues.length); } } $scope.filterValueToggled = function () { $scope.$applyAsync(function () { $scope.selectAll = $scope.filterValues.length == 7; }); } // Apply the status filters $scope.applyStatusFilter = function (value, index) { if ($scope.filterValues.length < 1) { return !value.assigned; } if (value != null && value.assignment) return $scope.filterValues.indexOf(value.assignment.status) !== -1; } function getAssignedUsers() { user.getUserProfile($scope.currentAssignedTask.createdBy).then(function (data) { $scope.currentAssignedTask.user = data; }); taskAdminService.getAssignedTaskCompletions($scope.assignedTaskId).then(function (users) { $scope.users = users; $scope.notNotifiedUsers = $scope.users.filter(u => u.notifyCompletion == true); $.each($scope.notNotifiedUsers, function (index) { //$scope.users[index].selected = false; $scope.notNotifiedUserIds.push($scope.notNotifiedUsers[index].taskIndividualAssignmentId); }); // The number of assignments for each status for this task $scope.assignments = { 'No response': 0, 'To review': 0, 'In progress': 0, 'Under review': 0, 'Reviewed': 0, 'Returned': 0, 'Completed': 0 }; $scope.filterSelectAll(); // The users that have been assigned (they might have joined the group after the assignment) var assigned = $filter('filter')(users, { assigned: true }); $scope.numAssigned = assigned.length; for (var j = 0; j < $scope.users.length; j++) { if ($scope.users[j] != null) { if (!$scope.users[j].assigned) { $scope.containsUnassignedUsers = true; } for (var i = 0; i < $scope.currentAssignedTask.taskIndividualAssignments.length; i++) { if ($scope.users[j].id == $scope.currentAssignedTask.taskIndividualAssignments[i].ownerId) { $scope.users[j].assignment = $scope.currentAssignedTask.taskIndividualAssignments[i]; if ($scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.taskResponseTypes.length > 0) { switch ($scope.currentAssignedTask.taskIndividualAssignments[i].status) { case 4: $scope.assignments['To review']++; break; case 5: $scope.assignments['Under review']++; break; case 6: $scope.assignments['Reviewed']++; break; case 7: $scope.assignments['Returned']++; break; case 8: $scope.assignments['Completed']++; break; case 9: $scope.assignments['In progress']++; break; case 0: $scope.assignments['No response']++; break; } } } } } } for (var j = 0; j < $scope.users.length; j++) { if ($scope.users[j] != null) { if (!$scope.users[j].assignment) { if ($scope.users[j].assigned) { $scope.assignments['No response']++; } $scope.users[j].assignment = { status: 0 }; } } } $scope.usersLoaded = true; }); } //Get the already set marking schemes $scope.getMarkingScheme = function (markingScheme) { markingSchemeAdminDataContext.getMarkingScheme(markingScheme.markingSchemeId).then(function (data) { markingScheme.markingScheme = data; return markingScheme; }); } //Get the already set marking schemes $scope.assignAssignedTask = function (user) { var assignment = { ownerId: user.id, taskAssignmentId: $scope.currentAssignedTask.id, taskName: $scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.name } taskAdminService.assignTaskToIndividual(assignment).then(function () { $scope.usersLoaded = false; logSuccess("Task assigned"); getAssignedUsers(); }); } $scope.closeTask = function () { taskAdminService.closeAssignedTask($scope.currentAssignedTask).then(function () { logSuccess("Tasks assignment successfully closed"); $location.path('/assignedtasks'); }); } $scope.recallTask = function () { taskAdminService.recallAssignedTask($scope.currentAssignedTask).then(function () { logSuccess("Tasks assignment successfully recalled"); $location.path('/assignedtasks'); }); } $scope.getUserDetails = function (assignedUser) { if (assignedUser) { user.getUserProfile(assignedUser.id).then(function (data) { return assignedUser.user = data; }); } } $scope.getReviewerDetails = function (review) { if (review) { user.getUserProfile(review.createdBy).then(function (data) { return review.user = data; }); } } $scope.reviewAssignedTask = function (response) { taskAdminService.setCurrentTasksResponse(response); $location.path('/reviewtask'); } } }]); //a directive that allows the ability to review an assigned task app.directive('reviewAssignedTask', ['taskAdminDataContext', 'taskAdminService', 'myUsersDataContext', 'commentsDataContext', 'myFormsDataContext', 'markingSchemeAdminDataContext', 'common', 'user', '$location', '$modal', 'userAuth', '$filter', 'OrganisationAdminService', '$window', function (taskAdminDataContext, taskAdminService, myUsersDataContext, commentsDataContext, myFormsDataContext, markingSchemeAdminDataContext, common, user, $location, $modal, userAuth, $filter, OrganisationAdminService, $window) { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'reviewassignedtask.html', link: link }; function link($scope, elem, attrs) { var getLogFn = common.logger.getLogFn; var logSuccess = getLogFn("reviewAssignedTask", "success"); var logError = getLogFn("reviewAssignedTask", "error"); $scope.token = userAuth.getAuthToken(); $scope.myShowcaseUrl = myShowcaseSiteUrl; $scope.comment = { content: '', isPrivate: false, } // Function to go back to the task classes list $scope.goBack = function () { taskAdminService.getAssignedTask($scope.currentAssignedTask.id).then(function (data) { data.activeTab = 1; taskAdminService.setCurrentAssignedTask(data); $location.path('/assignedtask/' + $scope.currentAssignedTask.id); }); }; $scope.currentAssignedTask = taskAdminService.getCurrentAssignedTask(); $scope.currentTaskResponse = taskAdminService.getCurrentTasksResponse(); if (!$scope.currentAssignedTask) { $location.path('/assignedtask'); } else { getUserDetails($scope.currentTaskResponse); getComment(); getUser(); //Default notifyCompletion to the setting set on the task record $scope.notifyCompletion = $scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.autoCompleteNotification; $scope.toggleNotifyCompletion = function () { $scope.notifyCompletion = !$scope.notifyCompletion; }; if ($scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.taskResponseTypes.length > 0) { if ($scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.taskResponseTypes[0].taskClassResponseType.name == 'Showcase') { $scope.responseType = 'Showcase'; var deliverable = $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.taskAssignmentResponseDeliverables[0]; if(deliverable != null) getShowcaseDetail(deliverable.value); } if ($scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.taskResponseTypes[0].taskClassResponseType.name == 'Form') { $scope.responseType = 'Form'; $scope.formId = $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.taskAssignmentResponseDeliverables[0].value; getFormDetail($scope.formId) } if ($scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.taskResponseTypes[0].taskClassResponseType.name == 'Stuff item') { $scope.responseType = 'Stuff item'; $scope.itemSource = $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.taskAssignmentResponseDeliverables[0].value; getItemDetail($scope.itemSource) } } else { $scope.completionOnly = true; } if ($scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview) { $scope.reviewInProgress = true; } if ($scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview) { setMarkingSchemeMarks(); } } function getUser() { user.getProfile().then(function (user) { $scope.reviewer = user; }); } function getUserDetails(userResponse) { if (userResponse.latestResponse) { return user.getUserProfile(userResponse.latestResponse.createdBy).then(function (data) { userResponse.user = data; }); } if (userResponse) { return user.getUserProfile(userResponse.createdBy).then(function (data) { userResponse.user = data; }); } } $scope.startResponseReview = function() { taskAdminService.createResponseReview($scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.id).then(function (data) { $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview = data; setMarkingSchemeMarks(); }); } function setMarkingSchemeMarks() { $scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.taskMarkingSchemes = $filter('orderBy')($scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.taskMarkingSchemes, 'name'); for (var i = 0; i < $scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.taskMarkingSchemes.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.taskAssignmentResponseMarkings.length; j++) { if ($scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.taskAssignmentResponseMarkings[j].taskMarkingSchemeId == $scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.taskMarkingSchemes[i].id) { $scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.taskMarkingSchemes[i].marks = $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.taskAssignmentResponseMarkings[j].marks; } } if (!$scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.taskMarkingSchemes[i].marks) { if($scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.taskAssignmentResponseMarkings != undefined){ // var value = ''; // //Set the default value in a number range scheme to the lowest available number // if($scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.taskMarkingSchemes[i].markingScheme != null && // $scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.taskMarkingSchemes[i].markingScheme.numericRangeLower != null){ // value = $scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.taskMarkingSchemes[i].markingScheme.numericRangeLower; // if($scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.taskMarkingSchemes[i].markingScheme.type == 3){ //percentage type // value = 0; //default to 0% // } // } $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.taskAssignmentResponseMarkings.push({ taskMarkingSchemeId: $scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.taskMarkingSchemes[i].id, marks: [{ value: '' }] }) } } } } $scope.getResponseMarkingIndex = function (schemeId) { if ($scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview) { for (var j = 0; j < $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.taskAssignmentResponseMarkings.length; j++) { if ($scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.taskAssignmentResponseMarkings[j].taskMarkingSchemeId == schemeId) { return j; } } } } function getComment() { if ($scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview) { if ($scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.commentId !== "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") { commentsDataContext.getCommentById($scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.commentId).then(function (comment) { $scope.comment = comment; }); } } } function getShowcaseDetail(showcaseId) { taskAdminDataContext.getShowcase(showcaseId).then(function (showcase) { $scope.showcase = showcase; }); } function getFormDetail(formId) { myFormsDataContext.getForm(formId).then(function (form) { $scope.formType = taskAdminService.getFormTypeName(form.formType); }); } function getItemDetail(source) { taskAdminDataContext.getStuffItem(source).then(function (item) { $scope.item = item; }); } $scope.setAlphabeticalRange = function (start, stop) { var result = []; for (var idx = start.charCodeAt(0), end = stop.charCodeAt(0) ; idx <= end; ++idx) { result.push(String.fromCharCode(idx)); } return result; } $scope.setSelectedAlphabeticalMark = function(value, scheme){ var responseMarkingsIndex = $scope.getResponseMarkingIndex(scheme.id); $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.taskAssignmentResponseMarkings[responseMarkingsIndex].marks[0].value = value; } $scope.alphabeticalMarkIsSelected = function(index, value, scheme){ var latestReview = $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview; if(latestReview){ var alphaRange = []; for (var idx=scheme.scheme.alphabeticRangeLower.charCodeAt(0),end=scheme.scheme.alphabeticRangeUpper.charCodeAt(0); idx <=end; ++idx){ alphaRange.push(String.fromCharCode(idx)); } var mark = alphaRange[index]; var responseMarkingsIndex = $scope.getResponseMarkingIndex(scheme.id); var markings = latestReview.taskAssignmentResponseMarkings[responseMarkingsIndex]; if(markings && markings.marks){ return mark == markings.marks[0].value; } } } $scope.valueMarkIsSelected = function(value, scheme){ if ($scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview) { var responseMarkingsIndex = $scope.getResponseMarkingIndex(scheme.id); var marking = $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.taskAssignmentResponseMarkings[responseMarkingsIndex]; if(marking){ return value == marking.marks[0].value; } } return false; } $scope.saveReview = function () { delete $scope.comment.id; commentsDataContext.createComment($scope.comment).then(function (data) { $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.commentId = data.id; //Set the status to 'In Progress' $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.status = 0; taskAdminService.saveResponseReview($scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview).then(function (data) { $scope.goBack(); logSuccess("Review successfully saved"); }); }); } $scope.reopenReview = function () { $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.status = 0; $scope.currentTaskResponse.status = 5; taskAdminService.saveResponseReview($scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview).then(function (data) { logSuccess("Review successfully reopened"); }); } $scope.returnResponse = function () { $scope.comment.content = ''; if (!$scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview) { taskAdminService.createResponseReview($scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.id).then(function (data) { $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview = data; $scope.returnToUser = true; }); } else { $scope.returnToUser = true; } } $scope.returnTheResponse = function () { delete $scope.comment.id; commentsDataContext.createComment($scope.comment).then(function (data) { $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.commentId = data.id; $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.status = 2; taskAdminService.saveResponseReview($scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview).then(function (data) { $scope.goBack(); logSuccess("Review successfully returned"); }); }); } $scope.getMarkingSchemeDetails = function (markingScheme) { markingSchemeAdminDataContext.getMarkingScheme(markingScheme.markingSchemeId).then(function (data) { markingScheme.scheme = data; var values = markingScheme.taskMarkingSchemeValues; markingScheme.scheme.taskMarkingSchemeValues = values; }); } $scope.setSchemeValueOrdinal = function (value, scheme) { if(scheme){ for (var j = 0; j < scheme.markingSchemeValues.length; j++) { if (value.name == scheme.markingSchemeValues[j].name) { value.ordinal = scheme.markingSchemeValues[j].ordinal; } } } } $scope.reviewTaskConfirm = function () { $modal.open({ templateUrl: templatePath + 'reviewtaskconfirm.html', controller: reviewTaskConfirmController, size: 'lg', backdrop: 'static', resolve: { currentTaskResponse: function () { return $scope.currentTaskResponse; }, comment: function () { return $scope.comment }, currentAssignedTask: function () { return $scope.currentAssignedTask; }, goBack: function () { return $scope.goBack; }, reviewer: function() { return $scope.reviewer; }, notifyCompletion: function () { return $scope.notifyCompletion; } } }); } $scope.downloadFile = function (fileUrl, fileName) { var url; user.getUploadBucketSasForUser($scope.currentTaskResponse.createdBy).then(function (sas) { $scope.sasToken = sas.sas; $scope.requiresAuth = true; //set the sas token start and end dates $scope.tokenStart = new Date().getTime(); $scope.tokenEnd = $scope.tokenStart + 1800000; url = fileUrl + $scope.sasToken; $window.open(url); }); } var reviewTaskConfirmController = function (common, $scope, $modalInstance, currentTaskResponse, comment, currentAssignedTask, goBack, reviewer, notifyCompletion) { $scope.comment = comment; $scope.currentAssignedTask = currentAssignedTask; $scope.currentTaskResponse = currentTaskResponse; $scope.reviewer = reviewer; $scope.currentTaskResponse.user.notifyCompletion = notifyCompletion; $scope.getMarkingSchemeDetails = function (markingScheme) { markingSchemeAdminDataContext.getMarkingScheme(markingScheme.markingSchemeId).then(function (data) { markingScheme.scheme = data; }); } $scope.getResponseMarkingIndex = function (schemeId) { if ($scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview) { for (var j = 0; j < $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.taskAssignmentResponseMarkings.length; j++) { if ($scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.taskAssignmentResponseMarkings[j].taskMarkingSchemeId == schemeId) { return j; } } } } $scope.addPrecentToMark = function (value) { if (value.toString().includes("%")) return value.toString() else { value = value.toString() + '%'; return value; } } $scope.submitReview = function () { $scope.submittingReview = true; $scope.finishUpReview(); } $scope.finishUpReview = function () { $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.status = 1; commentsDataContext.createComment($scope.comment).then(function (data) { $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.commentId = data.id; $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.autoCompletionNotification = $scope.currentTaskResponse.user.notifyCompletion; taskAdminService.saveResponseReview($scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview).then(function (data) { $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); goBack(); logSuccess("Review successfully submitted"); }); }); } $scope.sendReviewedResponseEmail = function () { taskAdminService.saveResponseReview().then(function (data) { $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); goBack(); logSuccess("Notifications sent"); }); } //close the modal $scope.cancel = function() { $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; } $scope.checkReviewsValidility = function () { //If marking schemes present if ($scope.currentAssignedTask.taskRecord.taskMarkingSchemes.length > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.taskAssignmentResponseMarkings.length; j++) { for (var l = 0; l < $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.taskAssignmentResponseMarkings[j].marks.length; l++) { if ($scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.taskAssignmentResponseMarkings[j].marks[l].value == '' && $scope.currentTaskResponse.latestResponse.latestReview.taskAssignmentResponseMarkings[j].marks[l].value != 0) { return true; } } } } } } }]); // embed app.directive('itemEmbedded', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'templates/embed.html' }; }); //prezi app.directive('itemPrezi', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'templates/embedprezi.html' }; }); //Evernote app.directive('itemEvernote', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'templates/evernote.html' }; }); // Rich text / HTML block app.directive('itemStatus', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'templates/status.html' }; }); // Uploaded file app.directive('itemFile', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'templates/file.html' }; }); // Uploaded image app.directive('itemImage', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'templates/image.html' }; }); // Uploaded video app.directive('itemVideo', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'templates/video.html', link: function (scope, elm, attr) { scope.cloudinaryVideoBaseUrl = cloudinaryVideoBaseUrl; } }; }); // Uploaded badge app.directive('itemBadge', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'templates/badge.html' }; }); // Added form app.directive('itemForm', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'templates/form.html' }; }); // Added badge collection app.directive('itemBadgeCollection', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'templates/badge-collection.html' }; }); // Form styles app.directive('formStyles', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/modules/MyFormsCompleted/views/styles.html' }; }); // Uploaded weblink app.directive('itemWeblink', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'templates/weblink.html', link: link }; function link(scope, element, attrs) { scope.baseWebLinkImageUrl = baseWebLinkImageUrl; } }); // MyProgress Assessment items app.directive('itemAssessment', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'templates/assessment2.html', scope: { myShowcaseItem: '=', accessToken: '=', hideDate: '=' }, link: function ($scope, element, attrs) { function lowerFirstLetterObjectKeys(input) { if (typeof input !== 'object' || input == null) return input; if (Array.isArray(input)) return input.map(lowerFirstLetterObjectKeys); return Object.keys(input).reduce(function (newObj, key) { let val = input[key]; let newVal = (typeof val === 'object') ? lowerFirstLetterObjectKeys(val) : val; newObj[key.replace(key[0], key[0].toLowerCase())] = newVal; return newObj; }, {}); } function parseResponse(jsonResponse) { //Parse json, restoring properties to PascalCase where needed var parsedResponse = JSON.parse(jsonResponse, function (key, value) { if (key.length < 2 || key[0] === key[0].toUpperCase() || key === "allocatedAssessmentGuid" || key === "publishedResourceId" || key === "responseIdentifier" || key === "usingEmail" || key === "data" || key === "type" || key === "width" || key === "height" || key === "src") { return value; } else { var newKey = key.replace(key[0], key[0].toUpperCase()); this[newKey] = value; return undefined; //removes old key } }); //recursively return result properties to camel case. We can't do this in the reviver function when parsing //because only properties in the result object hierarchy should be changed, and some share names with properties //in other objects parsedResponse.Result = lowerFirstLetterObjectKeys(parsedResponse.Result); //StreamedResource.Type is an exception to the rule that all 'type' properties are lowercase parsedResponse.StreamedResources.forEach(function (resource) { if (resource.Type == undefined && resource.type != undefined) { resource.Type = resource.type; } }); return parsedResponse; } $scope.myShowcaseItem.jsonResponse = parseResponse($scope.myShowcaseItem.jsonResponse); if (!$scope.myShowcaseItem.itemId) $scope.myShowcaseItem.itemId = $scope.myShowcaseItem.id; $scope.getLetter = function (index) { if (0 <= index && index <= 25) { return String.fromCharCode(65 + index); } else if (26 <= index <= 51) { return String.fromCharCode(71 + index); } else { return ''; } } $scope.getAssessmentItemResultFromCustomText = function (customText) { var assessmentItemIdentifier = $scope.getAssessmentItemIdentifier(customText); if (assessmentItemIdentifier.length > 0) { var result = $scope.getAssessmentItemResult(assessmentItemIdentifier); return result; } return null; } $scope.getAssessmentItemResult = function (assessmentItemIdentifier) { var resultArray = $scope.myShowcaseItem.jsonResponse.Result.itemResults.filter(function (assessmentItemResult) { return assessmentItemResult.identifier === assessmentItemIdentifier; }) if (resultArray.length > 0) { return resultArray[0]; } else { return null; } } $scope.getAssessmentItemIdentifier = function (customText) { var identifierString = 'identifier:'; if (customText && customText.length > 0 && customText.indexOf(identifierString) > -1) { var startIndex = customText.indexOf(identifierString) + identifierString.length; return customText.substring(startIndex); } return ''; } $scope.isAssessmentItemHidden = function (customText) { if (customText && customText.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.myShowcaseItem.jsonResponse.HiddenAssessmentItemIdentifiers.length; i++) { if (customText.includes($scope.myShowcaseItem.jsonResponse.HiddenAssessmentItemIdentifiers[i])) { return true; } } } return false; } } }; }); app.directive('myprogressAssessmentItem', function ($http) { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: 'assessmentResponseItem.html', scope: { myShowcaseItem: '=', assessmentItem: '=', itemResult: '=', accessToken: '=', hideDate: '=' }, link: function ($scope, element, attrs) { $scope.getSelectedInteractionOptions = function (assessmentItemResult, responseIdentifier) { if (assessmentItemResult) { var responseValues = assessmentItemResult.responseValues.filter(function (responseValue) { return responseValue.identifier === responseIdentifier; }) if (responseValues.length > 0) { return responseValues[0].values; } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } $scope.getSingleResponseValue = function (assessmentItemResult, responseIdentifier) { if (assessmentItemResult && responseIdentifier) { var responseValues = assessmentItemResult.responseValues.filter(function (responseValue) { return responseValue.identifier === responseIdentifier; }) if (responseValues && responseValues.length > 0) { var responseValueArray = responseValues[0].values; if (responseValueArray && responseValueArray.length > 0) { return responseValueArray[0]; } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } $scope.isInCorrectValues = function (responseValue, correctValues, correctValue, correctDate, correctTime, dateFormat) { return responseValue && responseValue.length && (correctValues && correctValues.length > 0 && correctValues.includes(responseValue)) || (correctValue && correctValue.length > 0 && correctValue == responseValue) || (correctDate && correctDate.length > 0 && $scope.compareDateStrings(correctDate, responseValue, dateFormat)) || (correctTime && correctTime.length > 0 && $scope.compareTimeStrings(correctTime, responseValue)); } $scope.compareTimeStrings = function (time1, time2) { if (time1 && time2) { var t1 = time1.split(':'); var t2 = time2.split(':'); var h1 = parseInt(t1[0]); var h2 = parseInt(t2[0]); var m1 = parseInt(t1[1]); var m2 = parseInt(t2[1]); return (h1 == h2 && m1 == m2); } else { return false; } } $scope.compareDateStrings = function (correctDate, responseDate, dateFormat) { var dateCorrect = new Date(correctDate); var dayCorrect = dateCorrect.getDate(); var monthCorrect = (dateCorrect.getMonth() + 1).toString(); if (monthCorrect.length == 1) { monthCorrect = '0' + monthCorrect; } var yearCorrect = dateCorrect.getFullYear().toString(); var stringCorrect = ''; if (dateFormat == 'DATE') { stringCorrect = dayCorrect + '/' + monthCorrect + '/' + yearCorrect; } else { var hoursCorrect = dateCorrect.getHours().toString(); var minutesCorrect = dateCorrect.getMinutes().toString(); if (hoursCorrect.length == 1) { hoursCorrect = '0' + hoursCorrect; } if (minutesCorrect.length == '1') { minutesCorrect = '0' + minutesCorrect; } stringCorrect = dayCorrect + '/' + monthCorrect + '/' + yearCorrect + ' ' + hoursCorrect + ':' + minutesCorrect; } return stringCorrect == responseDate } } }; }); app.directive('myprogressInteractionChoice', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: 'assessmentResponseChoice.html', scope: { simpleChoice: '=', selectedValues: '=', correctValues: '=' }, link: function ($scope, element, attrs) { $scope.isSelected = function () { return $scope.selectedValues && $scope.selectedValues.length > 0 && $scope.selectedValues.includes($scope.simpleChoice.Identifier); } $scope.isCorrect = function () { return $scope.correctValues && $scope.correctValues.length > 0 && $scope.correctValues.includes($scope.simpleChoice.Identifier); } $scope.isIncorrect = function () { //value is incorrect only if there are defined correct values return $scope.correctValues && $scope.correctValues.length > 0 && !$scope.correctValues.includes($scope.simpleChoice.Identifier); } } }; }); app.directive('myProgressInteractionGrid', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: 'assessmentResponseGrid.html', scope: { sourceItems: '=', targetItems: '=', selectedValues: '=' }, link: function ($scope, element, attrs) { $scope.isSelected = function (sourceId, targetId) { return $scope.selectedValues && $scope.selectedValues.length > 0 && $scope.selectedValues.includes(sourceId + ' ' + targetId); } } } }); // app.directive('myProgressInteractionFile', ['$http', '$timeout', function ($http, $timeout) { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: 'assessmentResponseFile.html', scope: { myShowcaseItemId: '=', streamedResourceData: '=', responseString: '=', accessToken: '=' }, link: function ($scope, element, attrs) { function fileNameFromResponse() { if ($scope.responseString && $scope.responseString.indexOf(',') > 0) { return $scope.responseString.substring($scope.responseString.indexOf(',') + 1) } else { return ''; } } function fileGuidFromResponse() { if ($scope.responseString && $scope.responseString.indexOf(',') > 0) { return $scope.responseString.substring(0, $scope.responseString.indexOf(',')) } else { return ''; } } $scope.fileName = fileNameFromResponse(); $scope.fileGuid = fileGuidFromResponse(); //&userid=9F33C4E1-7A70-47B4-9C1C-A46A40B67D8D function fileDownloadUrl() { if ($scope.fileGuid && $scope.fileGuid.length > 0 && $scope.fileName && $scope.fileName.length > 0) { return myShowcaseSiteUrl + '/api/myitem/' + $scope.myShowcaseItemId + '/zipcontents?name=' + $scope.fileGuid + '&originalName=' + $scope.fileName; } return ''; } function resourceIsImage() { if ($scope.streamedResourceData) { var isImage = false; for (var i = 0; i < $scope.streamedResourceData.length; i++) { if ($scope.streamedResourceData[i].ResourceId == $scope.fileGuid) { isImage = ($scope.streamedResourceData[i].Type.toLowerCase().indexOf('image') >= 0); break; } } return isImage; } } function getResourceType() { if ($scope.streamedResourceData) { var rType = ''; for (var i = 0; i < $scope.streamedResourceData.length; i++) { if ($scope.streamedResourceData[i].ResourceId == $scope.fileGuid) { rType = $scope.streamedResourceData[i].Type; break; } } return rType; } } $scope.fileUrl = fileDownloadUrl(); $scope.isImage = resourceIsImage(); $scope.resourceType = getResourceType(); //$scope.downloadFile = function (event) { // //var maxSizeForBase64 = 1048576; //1024 * 1024 // if ($scope.responseString) { // var anchor = angular.element(''); //angular.element(event.currentTarget); // //only get data again if base64Url hasn't been generated // if (!$scope.base64Url || $scope.base64Url.length == 0) { // var request = $http({ // method: "get", // url: $scope.fileUrl, // headers: { // Authorization: 'Bearer ' + $scope.accessToken // }, // responseType: 'arraybuffer' // }); // return (request.then(function (response) { // var str = response.data; // var windowUrl = window.URL || window.webkitURL; // if (typeof windowUrl.createObjectURL === 'function') { // var blob = new Blob([response.data], { type: $scope.resourceType }); // var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); // //anchor.prop('href', url); // //anchor.prop('download', $scope.fileName); // anchor.attr({ // href: url, // download: $scope.fileName, // }); // anchor.get(0).click(); // windowUrl.revokeObjectURL(url); // } // else { // //use base64 encoding when less than set limit or file API is not available // anchor.attr({ // href: $scope.base64Url, // download: $scope.fileName, // }); // anchor.get(0).click(); // } // }, $scope.handleError)); // } // else { // //anchor.attr({ // // href: $scope.base64Url, // // download: $scope.fileName, // //}); // anchor.prop('href', $scope.base64Url); // anchor.prop('download', $scope.fileName); // //$timeout(function () { // anchor.get(0).click(); // //}, 0, false); // } // } //} function getResourceAsBase64Url() { var maxSizeForBase64 = 3000050; //4Gb max data url for IE - 50 bytes for metadata var url = $scope.fileUrl; var request = $http({ method: "get", url: url, headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + $scope.accessToken }, responseType: 'arraybuffer' }); return (request.then(function (response) { var arrayBuffer = response.data; if (arrayBuffer) { var u8 = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer); if (u8.length <= maxSizeForBase64) { var len = u8.byteLength; var binary = ''; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { binary += String.fromCharCode(u8[i]); } var b64encoded = window.btoa(binary); var mimetype = $scope.resourceType; return "data:" + mimetype + ";base64," + b64encoded; } else { return ''; } } else { return ''; } }, $scope.handleError)); } $scope.handleError = function (response) { console.log(response); } $scope.handleSuccess = function (response) { return (response.data); } function downloadFileUrl() { //var maxSizeForBase64 = 1048576; //1024 * 1024 //use dataurl if it exists - only get data again if base64Url hasn't been generated //if (!$scope.base64Url || $scope.base64Url.length == 0) { var request = $http({ method: "get", url: $scope.fileUrl, headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + $scope.accessToken }, responseType: 'arraybuffer' }); return (request.then(function (response) { var str = response.data; var windowUrl = window.URL || window.webkitURL; if (typeof windowUrl.createObjectURL === 'function') { var blob = new Blob([str], { type: $scope.resourceType }); var url = windowUrl.createObjectURL(blob); return url; } else { return ''; } }, $scope.handleError)); //} //else { // return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // return resolve($scope.base64Url); // //return reject('error'); // }) //} } //getResourceAsBase64Url().then(function (response) { // $scope.base64Url = response; // downloadFileUrl().then(function (response) { // $scope.downloadFileLocation = response; // }) //}) downloadFileUrl().then(function (response) { $scope.downloadFileLocation = response; }) $scope.useIEDownload = window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob; $scope.doIEDownload = function () { var request = $http({ method: "get", url: $scope.fileUrl, headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + $scope.accessToken }, responseType: 'arraybuffer' }); return (request.then(function (response) { var str = response.data; var windowUrl = window.URL || window.webkitURL; if (typeof windowUrl.createObjectURL === 'function') { var blob = new Blob([str], { type: $scope.resourceType }); window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, $scope.fileName); } else { return ''; } }, $scope.handleError)); } } } }]); app.filter('dateOrTime', function () { return function (input, responseType) { if (input && responseType === "date") { var parts = input.split(" "); if (parts.length > 0) { return parts[0]; } else { return input; } } else if (input && responseType === "time") { var parts = input.split(" "); if (parts.length > 1) { return parts[1]; } else { return input; } } else { //default is to handle as for responseType === "datetime", i.e. return unmodified return input; } } }); })();