(function () { 'use strict'; var app = angular.module('frameworksAdmin'); var templatePath = modulesSharedResourcesUrl + 'Modules/MyFrameworksAdmin/Views/'; app.directive('frameworksList', ['frameworksAdminDataContext', 'frameworksAdminService', 'common', '$location', '$modal', '$q', function (frameworksAdminDataContext, frameworksAdminService, common, $location, $modal, $q) { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'frameworkslist.html', link: link }; function link($scope, elem, attrs) { // Set the log notifiers up var getLogFn = common.logger.getLogFn; var logSuccess = getLogFn("frameworksAdmin", "success"); var logError = getLogFn("frameworksAdmin", "error"); } }]); app.directive('manageFramework', ['frameworksAdminDataContext', 'frameworksAdminService', 'common', '$location', '$modal', '$q', '$window', function (frameworksAdminDataContext, frameworksAdminService, common, $location, $modal, $q, $window) { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: templatePath + 'manageframework.html', link: link }; function link($scope, elem, attrs) { // Set the log notifiers up var getLogFn = common.logger.getLogFn; var logSuccess = getLogFn("frameworksAdmin", "success"); var logError = getLogFn("frameworksAdmin", "error"); $scope.framework = { name: 'Early Career Professional: Skill Development Framework', description: 'Developing as an early career professional throughout your studies at MMU means developing and being able to evidence a range of skills and behaviours. This framework has been designed to help you capture the great things you do, so that you will be able to showcase them to others.' }; $scope.newSubItem = function (scope) { var nodeData = scope.$modelValue; nodeData.nodes.push({ id: 1, category: 1, title: 'New node', description: 'description', nodes: [] }); }; $scope.list1 = [ { "id": 1, "category": 0, "title": "Thinking Critically ", "description": "Critical thinking means not taking things at face value but actively questioning, evaluating evidence, reflecting on issues and drawing sound conclusions. These skills are useful in professional life as it improves judgement and your ability to influence others.", "nodes": [ { "id": 11, "category": 1, "title": "Justify Decisions", "description": "The ability to draw from relevant information and present an analysis of facts and situations.", "nodes": [] }, { "id": 12, "category": 1, "title": "Research and evaluate", "description": "Explore and challenge assumptions through seeking out alternative points of view.", "nodes": [] }, { "id": 12, "category": 1, "title": "Solve problems", "description": "Applying critical thinking to real-world situations in order to develop appropriate solutions.", "nodes": [] }, ] }, { "id": 2, "category": 0, "title": "Communicating Effectively ", "description": "Being an effective communicator is much more than just being good at speaking or writing. Excellent professional communicators understand the benefits of listening, collaboration and team work. They show emotional intelligence and can reach different audiences using the most appropriate forms of communication.", "nodrop": true, "nodes": [ { "id": 21, "category": 1, "title": "Collaboration", "description": "Working well with others, either as a team member or leader.", "nodes": [] }, { "id": 22, "category": 1, "title": "Communicate to target audience ", "description": "Understanding the needs of different audiences and being able to present information in a clear, concise and professional manner.", "nodes": [] }, { "id": 21, "category": 1, "title": "Self awareness ", "description": "Understanding yourself and the way you learn and work, in order to best manage your professional and career development.", "nodes": [] }, { "id": 22, "category": 1, "title": "Using ICT to communicate ", "description": "The ability to use the right tools for the job at hand. From spreadsheets to documents or apps and searches.", "nodes": [] } ] }, { "id": 3, "category": 0, "title": "Demonstrating values", "description": "Professional excellence includes being able to show that you work with integrity and values. This includes understanding the world in which business operates and the social, community and environmental impact of what you do.", "nodes": [ { "id": 31, "category": 1, "title": "Ethical and sustainability awareness", "description": "Ability to understand and evaluate the ethical and sustainability impacts of actions or decisions.", "nodes": [] }, { "id": 31, "category": 1, "title": "Professional integrity ", "description": "Demonstrating a commitment to personal and professional development and exhibits fair and ethical treatment of others.", "nodes": [] }, { "id": 31, "category": 1, "title": "Social and community understanding ", "description": "", "nodes": [] } ] }, { "id": 3, "category": 0, "title": "Commercial and Professional Awareness", "description": "Professional development is about increasing your knowledge as well as skills. As an early career professional, your commercial and professional awareness should be current, in-depth and sought after in the job market.", "nodes": [ { "id": 31, "category": 1, "title": "Business awareness ", "description": "Appreciating trends and changes in the business environment and understanding the impact these have on customer needs and business success.", "nodes": [] }, { "id": 31, "category": 1, "title": "Enterprise", "description": "Ability to creatively problem solve, identify opportunities and evaluate risk - either in a business or start-up context.", "nodes": [] }, { "id": 31, "category": 1, "title": "Global awareness", "description": "Understanding global business or social trends and drivers for change.", "nodes": [] }, { "id": 31, "category": 1, "title": "Professionalism", "description": "Demonstrating self-management, flexibility and initiative within the specific professional expectations of your chosen career.", "nodes": [] } ] } ]; $scope.list2 = [ { "id": 1, "category": 0, "master": true, "tooltip": "Source - Statutory Standard for the Early Years Foundation Stage - Section 1 – Introduction", "title": "Section 1 – Introduction", "description": "", "nodes": [ { "id": 11, "category": 1, "master": true, "tooltip": "Source - Statutory Standard for the Early Years Foundation Stage - Purpose and aims of the Early Years Foundation Stage", "title": "Purpose and aims of the Early Years Foundation Stage ", "description": "", "nodes": [ { "id": 12, "category": 1, "master": true, "tooltip": "Source - Statutory Standard for the Early Years Foundation Stage - 1.1", "title": "1.1", "description": "", "nodes": [ { "id": 12, "category": 1, "master": true, "tooltip": "Source - Statutory Standard for the Early Years Foundation Stage - EYFS", "title": "EYFS ", "description": "Every child deserves the best possible start in life and support to fulfil their potential. A child’s experience in the early years has a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right, and it provides the foundation for children to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up. When parents choose to use early years services they want to know that provision will keep their children safe and help them to thrive. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the standard that provides that assurance.", "nodes": [] }, ] }, { "id": 12, "category": 1, "master": true, "tooltip": "Source - Statutory Standard for the Early Years Foundation Stage - 1.2", "title": "1.2", "description": "", "nodes": [ { "id": 12, "category": 1, "master": true, "tooltip": "Source - Statutory Standard for the Early Years Foundation Stage - Setting the standards", "title": "Setting the standards", "description": "setting the standards for the learning, development and care young children should experience when they are attending a setting outside their family home, ensuring that every child makes progress and that no child gets left behind", "nodes": [] }, { "id": 12, "category": 1, "master": true, "tooltip": "Source - Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage - Providing for equality of opportunity", "title": "Providing for equality of opportunity", "description": "providing for equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice and ensuring that every child is included and not disadvantaged because of ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties or disabilities, gender or ability", "nodes": [] }, { "id": 12, "category": 1, "master": true, "tooltip": "Source - Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage - Creating the framework for partnership working ", "title": "Creating the framework for partnership working ", "description": "creating the framework for partnership working between parents and professionals, and between all the settings that the child attends", "nodes": [] }, { "id": 12, "category": 1, "master": true, "tooltip": "Source - Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage - Improving quality and consistency ", "title": "Improving quality and consistency ", "description": "improving quality and consistency in the early years sector through a universal set of standards which apply to all settings, ending the distinction between care and learning in the existing frameworks, and providing the basis for the inspection and regulation regime", "nodes": [] }, { "id": 12, "category": 1, "master": true, "tooltip": "Source - Statutory Standard for the Early Years Foundation Stage - Laying a secure foundation for future learning ", "title": "Laying a secure foundation for future learning ", "description": "laying a secure foundation for future learning through learning and development that is planned around the individual needs and interests of the child, and informed by the use of ongoing observational assessment", "nodes": [] }, ] }, ] }, ] }, ]; angular.element($window).bind("scroll", function () { if (this.pageYOffset > 390) { $scope.pageOffset = this.pageYOffset - 390; $scope.$apply(); } else { $scope.pageOffset = 0; $scope.$apply(); } }); } }]); })();