(function () { 'use strict'; var app = angular.module('app'); var siteSpecificTemplatePath = '/app/Layout/Views/'; var sharedTemplatePath = modulesSharedResourcesUrl + 'Layout/Views/'; var stylesPath = modulesSharedResourcesUrl + "Layout/Styles/"; // Directives for app branding app.directive('appBrandingStyles', ['tinycolor', function (tinycolor) { return { restrict: 'E', scope: { branding: '=' }, templateUrl: stylesPath + 'styles.html', link: function (scope) { scope.$watch('branding', function () { if (!scope.branding.secondaryColourText) { scope.branding.secondaryColourText = "#fff"; } scope.successButtonBoxShadowColour = tinycolor(scope.branding.secondaryColour).lighten(15).desaturate(20).toHexString(); scope.successButtonBorderColour = tinycolor(scope.branding.secondaryColour).lighten(30).toHexString(); scope.sidebarGroupSelectedBgColour = tinycolor( scope.branding.headerStyle == "standard" ? scope.branding.primaryColour : '#ffffff' ).darken(5).toHexString(); scope.sidebarLinkHoverColour = ( tinycolor(scope.sidebarGroupSelectedBgColour).getBrightness() > 128 ? tinycolor(scope.branding.textColour).darken(50) : tinycolor(scope.branding.textColour).lighten(50) ).toHexString(); }, true); } } }]); app.directive('appBranding', ['config', function (config) { return { restrict: 'E', require: ['?disableFocus'], templateUrl: sharedTemplatePath + "app-branding.html", link: function (scope, _e, _a, disableFocus) { scope.enableLink = config.enableWorkflows; scope.disableFocus = disableFocus; } }; }]); app.directive('disableFocus', function () { return { restrict: 'A' } }); // Directive for the sidebar app.directive('appNavigation', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: sharedTemplatePath + "app-navigation.html", controller: 'appNavController as nav' }; }); // Directive for the main app header app.directive('appHeader', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: sharedTemplatePath + "app-header.html" }; }); // Directive for the navigation sidebar app.directive('sidebarNav', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: sharedTemplatePath + "sidebar-nav.html", link: function (scope, _e, _a, focusWithin) { scope.focusWithin = focusWithin; } }; }); app.directive('licenseUsage', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: sharedTemplatePath + "license-usage.html", }; }); // Directive for site-specific sidebar contents app.directive('sidebarContents', ['$location', function ($location) { return { restrict: 'E', require: '^^focusWithin', scope: { links: '=', sidebarExpanded: '=', highlightRoute: '=', highlightSubRoute: '=', openSubMenu: '=', toggleSubMenu: '=', showHelpText: '=', header: '=', }, templateUrl: sharedTemplatePath + "sidebar-contents.html", link: function (scope, _e, _a, focusWithin) { scope.focusWithin = focusWithin; scope.$watch('links', function () { if (scope.links) { var activeSubLink = scope.links.find(function (link) { return link.routes && link.routes.find(function (subLink) { return subLink.route == $location.$$path; }); }); if (activeSubLink) { scope.openSubMenu = activeSubLink.title; } } }); } }; }]); // Directive for navigation sidebar popovers app.directive('sidebarNavPopover', function () { return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, elem) { var mainNav = $('nav#mainnav'); // Have to wait until angular puts the right class on for list popovers setTimeout(function () { adjustPopoverHeight(); }, 10); mainNav.scroll(function () { adjustPopoverHeight(); }) // Adjust the height of popovers when scrolling // fixes the issue that popovers nested within the navbar don't show because of auto overflow function adjustPopoverHeight() { var scrollTop = mainNav.scrollTop(); elem.css({ marginTop: '' }); console.log(elem.css('marginTop')); elem.css({ marginTop: parseInt(elem.css('marginTop')) - scrollTop }); } } }; }); // Directive for site-specific header contents app.directive('headerContents', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: siteSpecificTemplatePath + "header-contents.html", transclude: true }; }); // Directive for site-specific user settings app.directive('userSettingsSidebar', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: siteSpecificTemplatePath + "user-settings-sidebar.html", transclude: true } }); // Directive for the notifications dropdown app.directive('notificationsDropdown', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: sharedTemplatePath + "Dropdowns/notifications.html" }; }); // Directive for the activities dropdown app.directive('activitiesDropdown', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: sharedTemplatePath + "Dropdowns/activities.html" }; }); // Directive for the user roles dropdown app.directive('userRolesDropdown', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: sharedTemplatePath + "Dropdowns/user-roles.html" }; }); // Directive for the products dropdown app.directive('productsDropdown', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: sharedTemplatePath + "Dropdowns/products.html" }; }); // Directive for the loader app.directive('loadingSpinner', function () { return { restrict: 'E', scope: { loaded: '=' }, template: '
' } }); // Focus-within directive // The :focus-within selector doesn't work on ie11, so this is a workaround app.directive('focusWithin', function () { return { restrict: 'A', controller: ['$scope', function ($scope) { // Whether an element within the directive focused $scope.isFocused = false; // Change the focus this.setFocus = function () { $scope.isFocused = true; }; this.setUnFocus = function () { $scope.isFocused = false; }; }], link: function (scope, elem) { scope.$watch('isFocused', setFocusClass); // Set the focus class when the isFocused value changes function setFocusClass() { elem[scope.isFocused ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]('focus-within'); } } } }); })();